옥스포드 사전에서 제외시킨 단어들

아래 낱말들은 옥스포드 사전에서 빼어 버린 것들이라고 합니다.
무슨 이유에서 빼어버렸는지에 대한 설명이 없으므로 알 수는 없지만, 가만히 짚어 보면 명확하지는 않지만 어떤 맥락이 있는 듯도 합니다.

Accordionated – being able to drive and refold a road map at the same time
He accordionated without crashing into the guardrail.

Asphinxiation – being sick to death of unanswerable puzzles or riddles

Blogish – a variety of English that uses a large number of initialisms, frequently used on blogs

Dringle – the watermark left on wood caused by a glass of liquid.

Dunandunate – the overuse of a word or phrase that has recently been added to your own vocabulary

Earworm – a catchy tune that frequently gets stuck in your head

Espacular – something especially spectacular

Freegan – someone who rejects consumerism, usually by eating discarded food

Fumb – your large toe

Furgle – to feel in a pocket or bag for a small object such as a coin or key

Glocalization – running a business according to both local and global considerations

Griefer – someone who spends their online time harassing others

Headset jockey – a telephone call centre worker

Lexpionage – the sleuthing of words and phrases

Locavor – a person who tries to eat only locally grown or produced food

Museum head – feeling mentally exhausted and no longer able to take in information; Usually following a trip to a museum

Nonversation – a worthless conversation, wherein nothing is explained or otherwise Elaborated upon

Nudenda – an unhidden agenda

Oninate – to overwhelm with post-dining breath

Optotoxical – a look that could kill, normally from a parent or spouse

Parrotise – a haven for exotic birds especially green ones

Peppier – a waiter whose sole job is to offer diners ground pepper, usually from a large pepper mill

Percuperate – to prepare for the possibility of being ill

Pharming – the practice of creating a dummy website for phishing data

Polkadodge – the dance that occurs when two people attempt to pass each other but move in the same direction

Pregreening – to creep forwards while waiting for a red light to change

Quackmire – the muddy edges of a duck pond

Scrax – the waxy coating that is scratched off an instant lottery ticket

Smushables – items that must be pack at the top of a bag to avoid being squashed

Spatulate – removing cake mixture from the side of a bowl with a spatula

Sprog – to go faster then a jog but slower then a sprint

Sprummer – when summer and spring time can't decide which is to come first, usually hot one day then cold the next

Stealth-geek – someone who hides their nerdy interests while maintaining a normal outward appearance

Vidiot – someone who is inept at the act of programming video recording equipment

Whinese – a term for the language spoken by children on lengthy trips

Wibble – the trembling of the lower lip just shy of actually crying

Wurfing – the act of surfing the Internet while at work

Wikism – a piece of information that claims to be true but is wildly inaccurate

Xenolexica – a grave confusion when faced with unusual words
주인으로 삽시다 !
우리 스스로와 사랑하는 후세대를 위하여 !
사람(人) 민족 조국을 위하여 !!

《조로공동선언 : 2000년 7월 19일 평양》
반제자주 다극세계 창설 - 공정하고 합리적인 국제질서 수립

>> 조선 땅을 점령함 : 점령자(침략자) 미제국 맥아더 포고령

>> 한국인 마루타 : 주한미군 세균전 실체

>> 강제 백신(예방) 접종 : 강제 인구감축 대량학살 무기

>> 끊임없이 전쟁을 부추기는 피아트 머니 - 사기.착취.략탈.강탈 도구

>> 현금금지(캐시리스) 전자화폐(CBDC 씨비디씨) 특별인출권(에스디알)

>> 미국 달러 몰락, IMF SDR 특별인출권 국제기축통화 부상과 금

>> 딮 스테이트 : 그레이트리셋, 유엔 아젠다 2030, 2021, SDG 17, 아이디 2020, 4차산업혁명, 세계경제포럼, 세계화, 신세계질서, 세계단일정부, 세계재편

민족자주 승리에 대한 굳건한 믿음으로, 한미동맹파기! 미군철거!!

주권主權을 제 손에 틀어쥐고, 주인主人으로서 당당하고 재미나게 사는 땅을 만들어, 우리 후세대에게 물려줍시다.